"What I really discovered in the float tank—or rather, rediscovered—was the joy of the body, the exploratory instinct of the child who wonders at the bending of his limbs and the gyrations of his torso."
"What I really discovered in the float tank—or rather, rediscovered—was the joy of the body, the exploratory instinct of the child who wonders at the bending of his limbs and the gyrations of his torso."
"To break down the stunted image of man, we must first break down what is stagnant and calcified in ourselves."
"I became aware of a sense of separation between these experiences and 'I,' the experiencer, feeling briefly the coldness and distance of that disconnection."
"The moment of creation and the moment of encounter converge into a single, timeless moment, as thought and feeling melt together amidst the imprecise contours of the encounter..."
"In the twilight hours of this corner of the universe, I feel the hospital ward open up into kaleidoscopic strangeness."